by Harold Chaplin | Apr 26, 2021 | Chairman's Blog
A Live Stream Concert with Yalda Davis & Rachel Chaplin Cello & Oboe Congratulations to Rachel & Yalda on their live streaming performance for Hertford music club! This was just our second attempt at this new venture and was somewhat beset with technical...
by Harold Chaplin | Feb 14, 2021 | Chairman's Blog
Matthew Burton – GUITAR The very first live-streaming concert of Hertford Music Club proves to be a BIG SUCCESS! Given that Covid lockdowns had effectively put an end to our launching into the 2020-21Season, the Committee decided that a presence on the Internet...
by Harold Chaplin | Dec 9, 2020 | Newsletters
Yes, we still exist! What weird times we are living in. I do hope music has helped sustain you as it has me over the Lockdown periods. I cherish memories of our final concert in last year’s programme… The wonderful playing of the Ensemble Mirage as they treated...
by Harold Chaplin | Sep 16, 2018 | Newsletters
Greetings Music Lovers, Yes, it’s back to Hertford’s Live Music scene. How vibrant it has become what with the now established Hertford International Concerts in Bengeo and this summer for its second year, the Hertfordshire Music Festival. Well done, fellow musos! Do...
by Harold Chaplin | Jun 1, 2018 | Chairman's Blog
WELCOME to HERTFORD MUSIC CLUB SEASON 2018 / 19 All concerts begin at 3pm at the Quaker Meeting House, Railway Street Hertford SG14 1BA 16 September 2018 Alexandra Vaduva (piano) Scarlatti , Schumann -’Childhood Scenes’ Schubert – Impromptu Opus 90 in Eb...
by Harold Chaplin | Jan 1, 2018 | Newsletters
Welcome back to the second part of our current programme. I hope you managed to relax over the holiday. Do let me know of any interesting music you heard over that period. I am always open to suggestions. In the meantime, a reminder of the concerts in store…. January...